Grandview Apartments

The job was fully refurbishing bottom section of two Aquacool LSWA fluid coolers on site.

There were two fluid coolers on site one at south and the other one at north tower.

For the top section of the coolers, we removed and replaced damaged drift eliminators with our brand-new EDE-001 ones and all spray nozzles with lie by like Aquacool nozzles.

The bottom section was the main part of the project which had all rusted and scope was removals of the all fan wheels, fan housings, fan snouts, inlet rings, fan shaft and bearings, recoat or replace them with brand new products.

All fan components were sandblasted, ready to coat with a 2-part epoxy, our team coated in 3 layers to create a contrast for early detection of possible failure. We did three coats on the internal surfaces; powder coated the fan wheels and fully surface treatment on the fan shaft.

Our team then removed all of the rust from the main basin panels on site before again, adding our 3 layers of coat. All joins in the basin were resealed before the entire basin was recoated.

All parts reinstated and we put grease lines on the bearing with canisters for 12 month continues lubrications. Vesta then refilled the coolers, ran & checked its operation & returned them both to service.